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   **pany Profilee
  Shenzhen Chengyue Technologies Co Ltd is a **pany that specializes in the production and processing of equipment for light sources. The **pany’s products are mainly for plant growth light and  LED integrated high-power light sources for use in the ecology and agriculture industries.
  Some of the main products include; plant growth lights, greenhouse lights, vegetable growing equipment, plant growth racks, aquarium lights, seed-rearing lights, fill lights, fluorescence lights, UV curing lamps, and infrared lights.
  The **pany has a specific management system that analyzes and processes scientific data that produces these specific types of light equipment.
  Shenzhen Chengyue Technologies is also a technical enterprise that not only produces equipment, but it also focuses on design, research, development, production, testing and sales of LED plant growth light related products.
  Our **pany aims to provide the best of products and service to our customers with the highest quality and utmost standards.
  We also produce LED high-powered integrated light source products that are suitable for international markets too. Shenzhen Chengyue Technologies only uses the highest quality of imported materials in its productions and provides a 2-year warranty on all our products.
  Our **pany is passionate and sincere in the production and marketing of quality light sources. We have gained recognition for product quality and strength in the ecology and agriculture sectors and pursue an even wider and global market. Please join us on this thriving journey in the industry of quality light sources and spread the word of Shenzhen Chengyue Technologies Co Ltd - "Innovation is the soul, Quality is the life!"
公司名称: 深圳承越科技有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (制造商,贸易商)
所 在 地: 广东/深圳市 公司规模: 100-499人
注册资本: 100万人民币 注册年份: 2016
经营模式: 制造商,贸易商
经营范围: 一般经营项目是:电子产品、电子元器件、数码产品、五金配件、LED产品、灯具及配件的研发与销售、技术咨询、技术转让;经营电子商务(涉及前置性行政许可的,须取得前置性行政许可文件后方可经营);企业管理咨询、经济信息咨询(不含人才中介服务、信托、证券、期货、保险及其它金融业务);国内贸易,货物及技术进出口。(法律、行政法规或者国务院决定禁止和规定在登记前须经批准的项目除外),许可经营项目是:电子产品、电子元器件、数码产品、五金配件、LED产品、灯具及配件的生产。
销售的产品: 植物生长灯|种植灯|补光灯|养菜灯|育苗灯
电气、照明 / 专门用途灯具 电气、照明 / 工业照明 电气、照明 / 其他未分类